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How To Make Telemarketing Work

Business to business telemarketing can be a low cost highly effective method for generating new business. Telemarketing is the only form of direct marketing that allows you to communicate directly with key decision makers.

Business to business telemarketing is very different to business to consumer telemarketing because business to business telemarketing is less about call quantity and more about call quality. Business to business telemarketing requires a much more targeted approach where you will be calling businesses that have a genuine understanding or need for your offering. The telemarketing call needs to be personal, professional and unscripted.

Business to business telemarketing works best if you are looking to generate appointments, newsletter subscribers, follow up on leads or win back former clients. Selling high value advertising, exhibition space or other such products over the phone will always be a much slower burner as you are asking for an immediate sale. Where possible try instead to arrange a free sample, or an appointment, or on-line demonstration and move the sale along gradually, building trust and further interest at each stage.

Unrivalled results for many small business owners can be achieved if you get the approach right. So how do you ensure the right approach?

Know your target Audience

- Are you targeting more of the same type of client?

- Or are you looking at trialling new sectors?

- What size companies are you targeting? For instance perhaps you only want to target larger organisations? to leverage for e.g. 10% of your biggest client base?

- What are your defined geographical regions?

- Who is the best decision maker to speak to? It could be the marketing manager, HR Manager, MD or Head of Purchasing etc.


- Do you have targeted data with correct names and addresses?

- Or do you need to buy a refresh tightly defined prospect list?

Accurate data is key!

The call

Ensure yourself or the person doing your telemarketing is equipped with the following...

- An impeccable phone manner

- Full understanding of your offering along with the sectors or markets you are targeting.

- Knowledge of your main competitors and how you differ, in case this is mentioned. Although be careful-never make negative remarks about a rival, it comes across as unprofessional and desperate.

- A list of possible objections and how you might deal with them.

- A telemarketing script to use as a prompt only. Conversations should sound as natural and unscripted as possible.

Realistic expectations
Agree a realistic time frame for piloting your telemarketing. Often a month at least is required in order to fully gage level of interest, and glean what future conversations are likely to be based on continuing at the same pace.

Tracking success
Ensure you use a computer based system for tracking all activity such as a CRM system or at the very least a spreadsheet. Record number of calls, conversations, calls back dates, warm leads, results and rejections.

- Its just as useful to understand why prospects are not interested as well as why they are.

- Good business to business telemarketing is about developing relationships as oppose to quick wins so give yourself a suitable time frame to trial telemarketing and stick with it.

- Be prepared for some rejection but ultimately if you are adopt an ethical and genuine approach towards targeted potential customers youll reap the rewards too of gradually growing your customer base.

Karen Moore
Go for Growth Marketing

For further help with telemarketing outsourcing or training or help with creating a telemarketing script contact Karen on 0845 8727506 or view

Karen Moore

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