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Modern Day Online Learning

Traditionally, education has been delivered in classrooms, with in-person interaction between student and teacher the norm for many hundreds of years. However, that is all changing!

Over the years many forms of remote learning have been trialled, from postal to telephone to email. However, these forms of learning all presented their own drawbacks, such as logistical issues and time delays. The overarching problem with all of these alternatives to traditional teaching has been a lack of face-to-face interaction which is the cornerstone of a successful learning experience.

Modern Day Online Learning

Traditionally, education has been delivered in classrooms, with in-person interaction between student and teacher the norm for many hundreds of years. Over the years many forms of remote learning have been trialled, from postal to telephone to email. However, these forms of learning all presented their own drawbacks, such as logistical issues and time delays. The overarching problem with all of these alternatives to traditional teaching has been a lack of face-to-face interaction which is the cornerstone of a successful learning experience.

However, technological advancements in the modern day have presented a new opportunity for remote learning, with platforms such as Zoom and Moodle meaning that students can now experience that all-important face to face interaction whilst remaining remote. Online learning has become particularly popular and necessary over the past year and a half during the Covid-19 pandemic which has meant that the demand for modern day learning has increased tenfold.

Types of online learning

There are many forms of online learning, whether it be via a distance learning centre, live online lessons or pre-recorded lectures and seminars. The medium which you choose depends entirely on your own personal circumstances, but rest assured there is something available to suit everyone.

Distance learning centres

A centre for distance learning is a physical institution that students attend, much like a traditional classroom. The difference being that the lecturer is remote and will teach the class online via a suitable platform. This form of online learning is a hybrid of modern day and traditional methods.

What are the benefits?

  • Social. Distance learning centres provide an opportunity for in-person socialisation between students, meaning that although your lecturer is online your fellow students are sat right next to you and building a social life will be easier than if you were attending a fully online course from your own home.

  • Environmental. One of the biggest factors contributing to successful education is the environment which we learn in. Some of us take for granted that fact that we have access to working electricity and internet, yet many do not have such a privilege. A distance learning centre means that regardless of your personal situation you can still attend an online learning institution and gain access to premium resources.

  • Resources. When we attend a traditional college or university, we are limited by resources that are in our local area. Distance learning centres enable you to access premium educators from around the world, all whilst building a social life and having a safe and comfortable environment to learn in.

Online learning institutions

An alternative to a distance learning centre is an online learning institution such as the College of Contract Management which provide courses that are based solely online. Both students and lecturers are remote and will connect via a suitable platform that still facilities face to face interaction albeit not in-person. This is the form on modern day online learning that most of us are familiar with and although social interaction is limited that are multiple benefits to be had.

What are the benefits?

  • Convenience. An online course requires no travel time and can be attended from the comfort of your own home, eliminating time and expenses associated with travel as well as allowing you to create your own learning environment to suit you wants/needs.

  • Flexibility. Study for a variety of courses, such as an Advanced Diploma in Structural Engineering all whilst maintaining your full-time job, family commitments and busy day-to-day life. These courses are often scheduled for evenings and weekends, and even if you are not able to attend, they will be recorded for you to study whenever suits.

  • Safety. Learn with peace of mind that you will not be impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic due to sitting in a stuffy classroom with your fellow students.

  • Resources. Like with a distance learning centre, you will have access to the best resources from anywhere in the world. Except with an online course, you can also study from anywhere in the world, whether it be your own home or a hotel on the other side of the world.

Final Thoughts

Modern day online learning presents greater opportunities for students than have been available in the past. Various qualifications are available from various institutions, whether it be a distance learning centre or an online college or university. Which suits you best will depend on your personal circumstances and needs, and hopefully the benefits in this article can help to guide your decision.

Ruth Jan
College of Contract Management

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