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Your Client Database Could Be Your Most Valuable Asset.

Your most valuable asset is: Your Client Database. Because most of your future business will come directly and indirectly from your database of clients.

And if you ever want to sell your business, the main thing another business owner would be buying is the future revenue stream.

You see, without clients your business is not worth very much. Yes, you may have a building, and equipment but you would get the same amount of money for those items if you just sold them separately.

So for another person to buy your business at a decent price, it has to have existing clients.

So, there are a few things you need to do to save money with your database and protect your database.

You want to make sure your database is keep current and accurate.

What do I mean by this?

When you know about your clients moving you have to change their address in your database. 18% of the US population moves every year.

And if your database gets large, say 5,000 people in it, you will want to have your list "scrubbed." What I mean by this is there is a BIG database that has all the "changes of address" in it. For the most current companies offering this service, do a Google search under "Database Management." They will take your list for a small fee and match it up against all the people who changed their address and give you the new address in your database.

Why would I do this?

You would only do this if you are sending regular mail to your entire list because you will save money on postage and printing because all your mail will actually be delivered. If you dont do this, a percentage of your mail will not get delivered and you just wasted the money it costs to print it and mail it.

Makes sense?

The next thing you must do is backup your database in case your computer crashes or someone steals your computer or it gets burned up in a fire.

How often?

The more changes to your database the more often you need to back it up. I would say at least once each month.

This is easy to do. You just make a copy of your database on a CD and store it in a safe place. It probably would not hurt to print out a hard copy every once in a while.

I dont do any of this stuff; it is all done for me. And you should have it all done for you.

Remember you have to work SMART, not hard!

Like this strategy? My name is Mark Colosi and I have over 119+ more marketing strategies for business owners that I would like to share with you, all for no-cost at:

Mark Colosi

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