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Business Funding & Business Finance Surrey

Where to find start-up funding.

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Surrey Business Funding

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It wasn't that long ago that borrowing from your bank, friends, or relatives were the only available options if you need to raise money to start your business. How times have changed! Thankfully, a whole new world of 'alternative funding' has emerged.

The government also recognises that start-ups can play their part in the economy as potential tax payers and employers hence the introduction of the Start Up Loan Company. This fund allows you to apply for up to £25,000 per person - Find out more

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Access business finance up to £150k

Access business finance up to £150k

Let’s Do Business Finance offers funding to both start-up businesses and businesses wanting to grow and invest in their future.

Start up finance

We’re one of the official Business Support Partners of the British Business Bank and Start Up Loan Company. We can offer loans from £500 up to £25k with a fixed interest rate of 6% per annum, and that includes 12 months of free mentoring to help you get off to the best start.

Could you be eligible? Find out more

Business loans

Let’s Do Business Finance are able to offer business loans to help established businesses to grow. We’re accredited lenders of the Recovery Loan Scheme under the British Business Bank, and we’re able to lend from £25,001 to £150,000 on terms from 3 months to 6 years.

This business finance can be used to help you secure anything from new premises, equipment, and capital, and our team can help you to assess your cash flow and finances, build your marketing strategy and more with our built-in business support which is tailored to your needs.

Want to learn more about business loans, and see if you’re eligible? Visit our website or send us an enquiry

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Local partners

We are happy to promote anyone who is prepared to offer friendly support to local start-ups.

Our local partners have been kind enough to help us and are keen to help you too.

Free startup guide

Start Your Own Business in 2021

Download the 2024 edition of our Free guide

An interactive step-by-step guide which also includes all of the most important subjects covered with links to useful articles and relevant contacts.

The idea of starting your own business can be incredibly exciting and who can blame you for being tempted?

However, the sad truth is that far too many new enterprises fail in the early stages. Our aim is to make sure that you don't become one of them.

This guide explains the key start-up subjects in simple English and points to where you can find help and support.

More Information and instant download

Free Funding Report

If you need to raise some money for your new or existing business and would like to know what options are open to you (without any obligation), please complete and submit this simple form.

Request our FREE report which explains all of these 'new' funding choices in simple English.

Your information will be treated in the strictest confidence and that we will not sell/share it with anyone else or bombard you with spam.

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Surrey Sources of Funding

Interest Free Credit: Looking for business finance? If you’re anything like most SME owners, you’ve probably lost sleep over at least one of these scenarios: Cashflow problems, not having enough cash in your business to function smoothly. Not knowing how to grow your business or how to fund the expansion. Needing funds to invest on updating your equipment and technology. Pulling your hair out due to late payments or bad debt from customers. Your slow season is getting longer and busy season shorter leaving a massive cash gap. These are valid worries. Cash can disappear and be agonizingly slow to come in, and sometimes a loan feels like the best option to help you through those times….. is it though? BBX doesn’t replace your cash business but gives you additional revenue by selling your spare capacity within the BBX community.
Funding your start-up – the ultimate guide
Established law firm Wright Hassall have put together an extremely comprehensive guide to funding for start-ups. It covers: personal funding, loans, start-up incubators, crowdfunding, angel investors, seed funding, asset financing, debt funding, community and scocial schemes, grants, and local enterprise networks. Well worth a read if you need to raise additional funds for your business.
Access business finance up to £150k
Let’s Do Business Finance offers funding to both start-up businesses and businesses wanting to grow and invest in their future. Start up finance We’re one of the official Business Support Partners of the British Business Bank and Start Up Loan Company. We can offer loans from £500 up to £25k with a fixed interest rate of 6% per annum, and that includes 12 months of free mentoring to help you get off to the best start. Could you be eligible? Find out more Business loans Let’s Do Business Finance are able to offer business loans to help established businesses to grow. We’re accredited lenders of the Recovery Loan Scheme under the British Business Bank, and we’re able to lend from £25,001 to £150,000 on terms from 3 months to 6 years. This business finance can be used to help you secure anything from new premises, equipment, and capital, and our team can help you to assess your cash flow and finances, build your marketing strategy and more with our built-in business support which is tailored to your needs. Want to learn more about business loans, and see if you’re eligible? Visit our website or send us an enquiry
Surrey 100 Angel Investor Network
The University of Surreys S100 Club is the Souths Unique Angel Investment Network With its close ties to the Surrey Research Park and SETsquared Surrey (its start-up business incubation and support network) the Clubs remit is not only about presenting investment opportunities to Angel investors, it also provides support and training to businesses raising finance. It is a not-for-profit club with a focus on creating a strong and connected network of investors and presenting them with the best investment propositions from across the UK.
Business Funding Portal
Short and long term finance for business start-ups. We have the widest range of non-bank products currently available. Personal finance for business owners.
Coast to Capital LEP Area Growth Grant Programme 2019-2020
The Coast to Capital LEP area Growth Grant Programme is a capital equipment (capex) grant. The grant provides last resort investment to part-fund projects undertaken by innovative, high growth small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and social enterprises in the Coast to Capital LEP area. Eligible projects will result in an increased turnover of at least 20% per annum and improved productivity in the company and wider economy. Please note that this grant stream is not eligible for property owners or developers.
Enterprise M3 Funding Escalator
The Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership has committed £10million of capital to create a new funding escalator comprising a loan scheme and an equity fund managed by The FSE Group. If you are an ambitious SME based within the Enterprise M3 geographic area* with the potential to deliver high growth and employment opportunities, you may be eligible to apply. Our fund managers offer guidance and support during the application process and further help after the loan or investment is made. We always aim to provide a speedy response to any enquiry.
Fredericks Foundation
Fredericks is a Responsible Finance Provider that provides loans to people who want to set up a new business or maintain or expand an existing business. Fredericks is open to anyone who has a viable business proposition, but cannot obtain mainstream finance. Fredericks operates across England and Wales with a support team on hand to help and guide applicants all the way through the process. The support continues even after the applicant has been successful in the form of mentoring, practical business advice, networking and links within the local community that can help support and grow new and expanding businesses.
Growing Places Investment Fund
Coast to Capital is seeking projects that have been stalled, due to the lack of investment, to come forward. This fund is available to both the public and private sector for projects that will be ready to implement in the short-term and will create or unlock job creation. The Growing Places Fund is designed to be a revolving fund, so the process of receiving and evaluating projects will be an ongoing one.
Millmeads Credit Management
Millmeads offer credit management and commercial debt recovery solutions.
S100 Club
The S100 Club is a unique Angel Investment Network, showcasing the best innovative high-growth propositions. It is a not-for-profit club with a focus on creating a strong and connected network of investors and presenting them with the best investment propositions from across the UK.
S100 Club
The S100 Club is a unique Angel Investment Network, showcasing the best innovative high-growth propositions. The University of Surrey’s S100 Club is the South’s Unique Angel Investment Network With its close ties to the Surrey Research Park and SETsquared Surrey (its start-up business incubation and support network) the Club’s remit is not only about presenting investment opportunities to Angel investors, it also provides support and training to businesses raising finance. It is a not-for-profit club with a focus on creating a strong and connected network of investors and presenting them with the best investment propositions from across the UK. By leveraging the Universitys wealth of resource and its contacts in the local entrepreneurial and investment community, the S100 Club provides the foundation for venture creation. This enables its members to take an active role in tomorrows success stories.
South East Sustainability Loan Fund
The South East Sustainability Loan Fund provides debt funding on a matched basis to companies that are developing or selling a product or service that looks to reduce carbon emissions in the South East of England. Loans from this Fund must be matched against a publicly funded debt fund (“Primary Loan Fund”). Current Primary Loan Funds are the TVB Expansion Loan Scheme (operated by TVB Loan Management Ltd), the Enterprise M3 Expansion Loan Scheme (operated by EM3 SME Finance Ltd) and the Coast to Capital Expansion Loan Scheme (operated by CtoC SME Finance Ltd).
The University of Surrey 100 Club
The University of Surrey 100 Club is the South Easts leading Angel Investment Network. With its close ties to the Surrey Research Park, SETsquared Surrey (its start-up business incubation and support network) and the Innovation Space Incubation Centre - Surrey (ISIC-S), The Surrey 100 Club places as much importance on providing mentoring, business support and training as it does to actually raising finance, making it a unique investment club. As a not-for-profit organisation, The Surrey 100 Club does not charge any fees or take a share of any investment its companies achieve.

Local help for startups

There is plenty of help for startups in Surrey but where can it be found?

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